Stories from Fietsstad


Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Location |  Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Year |  2018-2019

Client |  College van Rijksadviseurs, Gemeente Amsterdam, Vervoerregio Amsterdam

Status |  Research & Design

Extra links |

The research project in Dutch can be found here

The comic book in English can be found here


In the context of the National programme “Ontwerpen aan Nederland Fietsland”, DE URBANISTEN has undertaken a research and design project into the “Cycling city of the 21st Century”. The aim was to envision its principles and to apply these to the new ‘Havenstad’ in Amsterdam. What would the city be like if designed entirely around the cyclist? How would the city look? What would take place in this bicycle city? These are the questions we set out to answer.

“Stories from Fietsstad” imagines a new city, where the streets are free of traffic noise and pollution, rich in activity and full of cyclists going about their lives.

Fietsstad balances the need for efficient cycling routes with the vibrant street life. A coherent network of wide boulevards and avenues lined with shops, cafes and public buildings allows swift movement through the city. Smaller residential streets become extensions to living space. Children play in the streets and the spaces outside homes are adopted and cared for by the people living beside. For the smoothest long-distance journeys, a fast cycle road flows through the city, mostly at ground level but also rising above the busiest streets, snaking through parks and bridging the IJ.

The results of the research are told in the comic “Stories from Fietsstad – Amsterdam and the cycling city of the 21st Century”. A number of short stories explains how the city works following the lives of the people living within Fietsstad.

The research project (in Dutch) can be found here. The comic book (in English) can be found here.


Delft Climate Adaptation Strategy


Rantzausgade, Copenhagen