De Urbanisten presented possible future scenarios for a climate adaptive Twente in the year 2075

Last week, Atelier Overijssel organized the first meeting on the exploration ‘City and Water - Twente 2075’ (‘Verkenning Stad en Water - Twente 2075’). During this meeting, we presented the results of our exploration to possible future scenarios for a climate adaptive Twente in the year 2075, assuming the most extreme climate scenarios will become reality. We took a look at what is necessary to anticipate to possible future floodings, droughts, and extreme periods of heat. In this presentation, we showed our vision on how to design our cities to be prepared for these new extremes.

The presentations were followed by a dialogue between those involved from the various organizations that collaborated on the creation of the study: Atelier OverijsselProvincie OverijsselWaterschap VechtstromenTAUW NederlandHet Oversticht, Gemeente AlmeloGemeente EnschedeGemeente DinkellandGemeente HengeloGemeente Oldenzaal, MUST stedebouw and Esther Kokmeijer

More information about the project can be found on our website, and on the website of het Oversticht.


Waterplein Benthemplein draagt nog altijd bij aan de oplossing van wateroverlast in Rotterdam.


The city as a landscape